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These secondary results may not be very accurate. Try a different but similar meaning word or phrase for better results. Or...
Look up Lai in my Japanese Kanji & Chinese Character Dictionary(My dictionary is a different system then the calligraphy search you just tried)
If you want a special phrase, word, title, name, or proverb, feel free to contact me, and I will translate your custom calligraphy idea for you.
1. Adelaida
2. Adelaide
3. Adlai
4. Alaia
5. Alain
6. Alaine
7. Alaitz
8. Anne-Claire
9. Blaine
10. Blair
11. Blaire
12. Blaise
13. Claine
14. Clair
15. Claire
16. Clairvoyance
17. Claiza
18. Elain
19. Elaina
20. Elaine
21. Elaisha
22. Elaizha
23. Ghislaine
24. Guylaine
25. Klaire
26. Lai
27. Laia
28. Laiba
29. Laid
30. Lail
31. Laila
32. Lailah
33. Lailani
34. Lailanie
35. Lailu
36. Lain
37. Laine
38. Laird
39. Lais
40. Laith
41. Lalaine
42. Madelaine
43. Marjolaine
44. Melai
45. Nalai
46. Nikolai
47. Sulaiman
48. How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger?
49. Violaine
50. Yolaine
51. Zulaika
This is the surname Lai, as used in Mandarin Chinese.
The meaning is to depend on, to relay upon, to hang on in a place, to renege (on a promise), or to throw the burden on. Context really matters with these meanings, and when used as a surname, it's just a surname.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
While perhaps no longer politically correct, this Chinese proverb is a reminder that you must take risks if you want rewards.
不入虎穴焉得虎子 is similar to the English proverb, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
The literal word order of the Chinese is, “If (you) don't enter the tiger's lair/cave, how can (you) get/obtain tiger cubs?.”
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is the Japanese version of an ancient Chinese proverb. 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is a reminder that you must take risks if you want the reward.
虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず is similar to the English proverb, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”
Note: Because this selection contains some special Japanese Hiragana characters, it should be written by a Japanese calligrapher.
The following table may be helpful for those studying Chinese or Japanese...
Title | Characters | Romaji (Romanized Japanese) | Various forms of Romanized Chinese | |
Adelaida | 阿德萊達 阿德莱达 | ā dé lái dá a1 de2 lai2 da2 a de lai da adelaida | a te lai ta atelaita |
Adelaida | アデレーダ | adereeda / adereda | ||
Adelaide | 阿德萊德 阿德莱德 | ā dé lái dé a1 de2 lai2 de2 a de lai de adelaide | a te lai te atelaite |
Adelaide | 阿代拉伊德 | ā dài lā yī dé a1 dai4 la1 yi1 de2 a dai la yi de adailayide | a tai la i te atailaite |
Adelaide | アデレイド | adereido | ||
Adlai | 阿德萊 阿德莱 | ā dé lái a1 de2 lai2 a de lai adelai | a te lai atelai |
Adlai | アドレー | adoree / adore | ||
Alaia | 阿拉亞 阿拉亚 | ā lā yà / a1 la1 ya4 / a la ya / alaya | ||
Alain | 阿蘭 阿兰 | ā lán / a1 lan2 / a lan / alan | ||
Alain | アラン | aran | ||
Alaine | 阿萊納 阿莱纳 | ā lái nà a1 lai2 na4 a lai na alaina | ||
Alaine | アレーン | areen / aren | ||
Alaitz | 阿萊池 阿莱池 | ā lái chí a1 lai2 chi2 a lai chi alaichi | a lai ch`ih alaichih a lai chih |
Alaitz | アライツ | araitsu | ||
Anne-Claire | 安克萊爾 安克莱尔 | ān kè lái ěr an1 ke4 lai2 er3 an ke lai er ankelaier | an k`o lai erh ankolaierh an ko lai erh |
Anne-Claire | アンクレア | an kurea / ankurea | ||
Blaine | 布萊恩 布莱恩 | bù lái ēn bu4 lai2 en1 bu lai en bulaien | pu lai en pulaien |
Blaine | ブレイン | burein | ||
Blair | 布萊爾 布莱尔 | bù lái ěr bu4 lai2 er3 bu lai er bulaier | pu lai erh pulaierh |
Blair | ブレア | burea | ||
Blaire | 布萊爾 布莱尔 | bù lái ěr bu4 lai2 er3 bu lai er bulaier | pu lai erh pulaierh |
Blaise | 布雷斯 | bù léi sī bu4 lei2 si1 bu lei si buleisi | pu lei ssu puleissu |
Blaise | ブレイズ | bureizu | ||
Claine | 克萊恩 克莱恩 | kè lái ēn ke4 lai2 en1 ke lai en kelaien | k`o lai en kolaien ko lai en |
Claine | クレイン | kurein | ||
Clair | 克萊爾 克莱尔 | kè lái ěr ke4 lai2 er3 ke lai er kelaier | k`o lai erh kolaierh ko lai erh |
Clair | クレア | kurea | ||
Claire | 克萊爾 克莱尔 | kè lái ěr ke4 lai2 er3 ke lai er kelaier | k`o lai erh kolaierh ko lai erh |
Claire | クレール | kureeru / kureru | ||
Clairvoyance | 千里眼 | sen ri gan / senrigan | qiān lǐ yǎn qian1 li3 yan3 qian li yan qianliyan | ch`ien li yen chienliyen chien li yen |
Claiza | 克萊扎 克莱扎 | kè lái zhā ke4 lai2 zha1 ke lai zha kelaizha | k`o lai cha kolaicha ko lai cha |
Claiza | クレイザ | kureiza | ||
Elain | 伊蘭 伊兰 | yī lán / yi1 lan2 / yi lan / yilan | i lan / ilan | |
Elain | エレーン | erein | ||
Elaina | 伊萊娜 伊莱娜 | yī lái nà yi1 lai2 na4 yi lai na yilaina | i lai na ilaina |
Elaina | エライナ | eraina | ||
Elaine | 伊蓮 伊莲 | yī lián / yi1 lian2 / yi lian / yilian | i lien / ilien | |
Elaine | エレイン | erein | ||
Elaisha | 埃萊沙 埃莱沙 | āi lái shā ai1 lai2 sha1 ai lai sha ailaisha | ||
Elaisha | エレーシャ | ereesha / eresha | ||
Elaizha | 埃萊扎 埃莱扎 | āi lái zhā ai1 lai2 zha1 ai lai zha ailaizha | ai lai cha ailaicha |
Elaizha | エライザ | eraiza | ||
Ghislaine | 吉絲蓮 吉丝莲 | jí sī lián ji2 si1 lian2 ji si lian jisilian | chi ssu lien chissulien |
Guylaine | 吉蓮 吉莲 | jí lián / ji2 lian2 / ji lian / jilian | chi lien / chilien | |
Guylaine | グイイェレーン | guiyereen / guiyeren | ||
Klaire | 克萊爾 克莱尔 | kè lái ěr ke4 lai2 er3 ke lai er kelaier | k`o lai erh kolaierh ko lai erh |
Klaire | クレア | kurea | ||
Lai | 賴 赖 | lài / lai4 / lai | ||
Laia | 拉婭 拉娅 | lā yà / la1 ya4 / la ya / laya | ||
Laia | レーア | reea / rea | ||
Laiba | 來八 来八 | lái bā / lai2 ba1 / lai ba / laiba | lai pa / laipa | |
Laiba | ライバ | raiba | ||
Laid | 拉伊德 | lā yī dé la1 yi1 de2 la yi de layide | la i te laite |
Laid | レーッド | reeddo / reddo | ||
Lail | 萊爾 莱尔 | lái ěr / lai2 er3 / lai er / laier | lai erh / laierh | |
Lail | レイル | reiru | ||
Laila | 萊拉 莱拉 | lái lā / lai2 la1 / lai la / laila | ||
Laila | 蕾拉 | lěi lā / lei3 la1 / lei la / leila | ||
Laila | ライラ | raira | ||
Lailah | 萊拉 莱拉 | lái lā / lai2 la1 / lai la / laila | ||
Lailah | ライラ | raira | ||
Lailani | 萊拉尼 莱拉尼 | lái lā nī lai2 la1 ni1 lai la ni lailani | ||
Lailani | ライラニ | rairani | ||
Lailanie | 萊蘭妮 莱兰妮 | lái lán nī lai2 lan2 ni1 lai lan ni lailanni | ||
Lailanie | ライラニー | rairanii / rairani | ||
Lailu | 來魯 来鲁 | lái lǚ / lai2 lu:3 / lai lu: / lailu: | lai lü / lailü | |
Lailu | ライル | rairu | ||
Lain | レーン | reen / ren | ||
Laine | 萊恩 莱恩 | lái ēn / lai2 en1 / lai en / laien | ||
Laine | レイン | rein | ||
Laird | 領主 领主 | lǐng zhǔ / ling3 zhu3 / ling zhu / lingzhu | ling chu / lingchu | |
Laird | ラーアド | raaado / raado | ||
Lais | 萊斯 莱斯 | lái sī / lai2 si1 / lai si / laisi | lai ssu / laissu | |
Lais | レース | reesu / resu | ||
Laith | 雷特 | léi tè / lei2 te4 / lei te / leite | lei t`e / leite / lei te | |
Laith | レース | reesu / resu | ||
Lalaine | 拉萊恩 拉莱恩 | lā lái ēn la1 lai2 en1 la lai en lalaien | ||
Lalaine | ラレイン | rarein | ||
Madelaine | 瑪德萊娜 玛德莱娜 | mǎ dé lái nà ma3 de2 lai2 na4 ma de lai na madelaina | ma te lai na matelaina |
Madelaine | マデリーン | maderiin / maderin | ||
Marjolaine | 瑪喬蓮 玛乔莲 | mǎ qiáo lián ma3 qiao2 lian2 ma qiao lian maqiaolian | ma ch`iao lien machiaolien ma chiao lien |
Marjolaine | マージョレーン | maajoreen / majoren | ||
Melai | 梅萊 梅莱 | méi lái / mei2 lai2 / mei lai / meilai | ||
Melai | メライ | merai | ||
Nalai | 納萊 纳莱 | nà lái / na4 lai2 / na lai / nalai | ||
Nalai | ナライ | narai | ||
Nikolai | 尼古拉 | ní gǔ lā ni1 gu3 la1 ni gu la nigula | ni ku la nikula |
Nikolai | ニコライ | nikorai | ||
Sulaiman | 蘇萊曼 苏莱曼 | sū lái màn su1 lai2 man4 su lai man sulaiman | ||
Sulaiman | スレーマン | sureeman / sureman | ||
How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger? | 不入虎穴焉得虎子 | bú rù hǔ xué yān dé hǔ zǐ bu2 ru4 hu3 xue2 yan1 de2 hu3 zi3 bu ru hu xue yan de hu zi buruhuxueyandehuzi | pu ju hu hsüeh yen te hu tzu pujuhuhsüehyentehutzu |
How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the lair of the tiger? | 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず | koketsu ni haira zun ba tora ko o e zu | ||
Violaine | 菲奧蓮 菲奥莲 | fēi ào lián fei1 ao4 lian2 fei ao lian feiaolian | fei ao lien feiaolien |
Violaine | ビオレーン | bioreen / bioren | ||
Yolaine | 尤蓮 尤莲 | yóu lián / you2 lian2 / you lian / youlian | yu lien / yulien | |
Yolaine | ヨレーン | yoreen / yoren | ||
Zulaika | 祖萊卡 祖莱卡 | zǔ lái kǎ zu3 lai2 ka3 zu lai ka zulaika | tsu lai k`a tsulaika tsu lai ka |
Zulaika | ズライカ | zuraika | ||
In some entries above you will see that characters have different versions above and below a line. In these cases, the characters above the line are Traditional Chinese, while the ones below are Simplified Chinese. |
All of our calligraphy wall scrolls are handmade.
When the calligrapher finishes creating your artwork, it is taken to my art mounting workshop in Beijing where a wall scroll is made by hand from a combination of silk, rice paper, and wood.
After we create your wall scroll, it takes at least two weeks for air mail delivery from Beijing to you.
Allow a few weeks for delivery. Rush service speeds it up by a week or two for $10!
When you select your calligraphy, you'll be taken to another page where you can choose various custom options.
The wall scroll that Sandy is holding in this picture is a "large size"
single-character wall scroll.
We also offer custom wall scrolls in small, medium, and an even-larger jumbo size.
Professional calligraphers are getting to be hard to find these days.
Instead of drawing characters by hand, the new generation in China merely type roman letters into their computer keyboards and pick the character that they want from a list that pops up.
There is some fear that true Chinese calligraphy may become a lost art in the coming years. Many art institutes in China are now promoting calligraphy programs in hopes of keeping this unique form
of art alive.
Even with the teachings of a top-ranked calligrapher in China, my calligraphy will never be good enough to sell. I will leave that to the experts.
The same calligrapher who gave me those lessons also attracted a crowd of thousands and a TV crew as he created characters over 6-feet high. He happens to be ranked as one of the top 100 calligraphers in all of China. He is also one of very few that would actually attempt such a feat.
Some people may refer to this entry as Lai Kanji, Lai Characters, Lai in Mandarin Chinese, Lai Characters, Lai in Chinese Writing, Lai in Japanese Writing, Lai in Asian Writing, Lai Ideograms, Chinese Lai symbols, Lai Hieroglyphics, Lai Glyphs, Lai in Chinese Letters, Lai Hanzi, Lai in Japanese Kanji, Lai Pictograms, Lai in the Chinese Written-Language, or Lai in the Japanese Written-Language.